Physical Health Check
Discover how you can purposefully improve your health, resilience, and energy levels. The physical Health Check provides an accessible way to map out your health, including any areas of concern. You’ll receive a personalized final report tailored to your needs.

Benefits for You
- Quickly gain more insight into your health and vitality
- Lifestyle advice that can be applied immediately
- Easily expandable with a follow-up measurement
Test your health under expert guidance
Under the supervision of the Fitsurance team, you will undergo various measurements and tests. These are conducted at the Fitsurance Lab in Amsterdam Zuid. The test results provide an indication of your risk for cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. We will review the results with you and offer guidance to help improve your lifestyle and health.

Our selection of Physical Health Checks
Scroll down to book your appointment at the Fitsurance Lab in Amsterdam Zuid
(VU-campus, de Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV, Amsterdam)
Body Check
- Muscle mass
- Fat mass
- Body fat percentage
- Visceral fat level
- Fat & muscle distribution
Health Check
- Body Check
Muscle mass
Fat mass
Body fat percentage
Visceral fat level
Fat & muscle distribution
- Grip strength
- Blood glucose
- Blood pressure
Health Check Plus
Get it before it is gone!€69,95€50
Use code “FIT50” for discount!
This check measures…
- Body Check
Muscle mass
Fat mass
Body fat percentage
Visceral fat level
Fat & muscle distribution
- Grip Strength
- Blood glucose
- Blood pressure
- Cholesterol profile (HDL, LDL, Tolal and Triglycerides)
- A total overview of the metabolic syndrome
These checks include the following measurements and tests

We measure your height and weight during each check to calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI), providing valuable insight into your overall health.

Blood Glucose
Prolonged elevated blood glucose levels (or blood sugar) can lead to type-2 diabetes and must be closely monitored. The Clear NutriFit Program uses a glucose sensor to provide 24/7 real-time insight into how your body reacts to food and exercise.

Waist Circumference Measurement (Optional)
Based on skinfold measurements and their thickness, an indication of body fat mass is given. Along with waist circumference and BMI, this provides a picture of your body composition.

Bloeddruk is een veelzeggende parameter over de kans op hart- en vaatziekte en mogelijk hartfalen. Een verhoogde bloeddruk kan leiden tot schade aan hart, vaten en organen.
Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is a significant parameter for assessing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and potential heart failure. Prolonged high blood pressure can cause damage to the heart, blood vessels, and organs.
Cholesterol Profile
Cholesterol is produced in the liver and is essential for the functioning of the body. Your cholesterol profile (total, HDL, LDL, triglycerides) provides insight into your risk of heart and vascular diseases.